Do you feel Scott's energy?
Despite the fact he does nothing for us, we still love our god. We love to show our devotion by getting together and enjoying our earthly bodies in his name. If you think you might want to come out and revel in Scott's divine energy with us, or you just feel like getting really drunk and having a good time, then be sure to join the cult as we gather for events like these:
August 31 - September 3, 2007. Atlanta, Georgia. This year several members of the Seattle chapter of the Cult plan to descend upon Atlanta in a righteous display of utter debauchery. Many can speculate what will occur when the two divergent branches of the Cult encounter each other, but I guarantee that YOU need to be there to experience it with us!
April 5-8, 2007. Sea-Tac, Washington.
The good times kept right on rolling with the Cult! This year, thanks to Scott's humble servant Philthy, we were infused with the power of Quantum Leap projected onto a bedsheet in high definition sound! This led directly to our most fervent worship ever. Yes friends, the party did not stop! Not even the heretics could bring us down! Not only did we have much Back-ula in us, but so did the ladies who participated in our Wet T-Shirt contest! These women shook and gyrated with the power of Scott overwhelming them and urging them onward to expose their sins before the mighty power of Scott Bakula and his prophets!! And if that isn't enough to flood your nether regions with the Bakula, consider what can happen when you spread 3 queen-size mattresses on the floor in a hotel room full of cultists with COMPLETE devotion? Yes, 2007 definitely brought us closer to becoming the first orgiastic cult with tax-exempt status! Praise Bakula! |
April 20-23, 2006. Sea-Tac, Washington.
Now in our 5th glorious year, we decided it was time to christen ourselves The Cult of the New Millennium™ and party like it was 1989 (when Quantum Leap first went on the air! Oh boy!) We waited for a sign, and lo, we did not have to wait long. Prophet Duckman returned from Florida (where he has been studying Scientology plans for world conquest) to get the party started in earnest! Plus, Prophet Chikin-Hed was able to mass produce TCOSB t-shirts for the first time, allowing us to indoctrinate all the wiling more easily than ever before! This year we had the as much religion as we could stand, with barely any of us able to stand at the end of the night! The Bakula was truly with us, and inside of us, pulsating His energy. |
April 2005. Sea-Tac, Washington. Rumor has it that the Cult of Scott Bakula threw an awesome worship service at this convention, a worship service so intense it even converted Buckethead Wendy to the ways of the Bakula. However, it seems that Dean Stockwell managed to destroy all visual evidence of the glory which was Norwescon 28....
April 8-11, 2004. Sea-Tac, Washington.
We felt the passion of Scott Bakula all right! Our home convention always brings out the most potent religious fervor in us, and Norwescon 27 was no exception! We ran three amazing room parties and had many more converts than ever before! We are now well on our way to becoming a legitimate religion! The highlights include the consumption of over 6 gallons of grain alcohol (which led to unholy visions of the Bakula), the deflowering of a con virgin, sexcapades in the bathroom, and a wet t-shirt content in which almost a dozen girls were so filled with the spirit of Bakula that they decided to bear their bodies before the crowd! OH BOY! See photos from our room parties at Norwescon 25 and Norwescon 26 as well!
September 3-6, 2004. Atlanta, Georgia. Our Atlanta sect continues to grow strong in the wake of last year's Dragon*Con. We will return and show our strength here this year. Plus, we will run a room party in the Hyatt this time, Bakula willing. We must also put an end to the scourge which is the heresy of Dean Stockwell, which rumor has it has been growing in popularity down in Georgia... See photos from Dragon*Con 2002.
In addition to formal conventions, the cult also parties in and around the Seattle area. If you are in Seattle and would like to meet with a member of the cult for a spiritual "awakening," please be sure to email us at!
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