Co-creator of the Prophet Reverend Chikin Hed

Pre-cult worshiper of Scott Bakula and officially inducted to the Cult of Scott Bakula on September 14, 2002.

I felt the energy of Scott early in my life when I went to his birthplace of St. Louis, MO.  It was at a Cardinal's baseball game in 1972 when I first had a vision, or maybe it was the heat and the beer my dad gave me.  The energy grew that day when I was on a helicopter tour of St. Louis.  The helicopter must have passed over Scott when an intense power overwhelmed me (either that or the helicopter ride, heat and beer made me airsick).  The feeling inside me grew more intense the next day as I rode to the top of the St. Louis Arch and looked across the flatland of Scott's birth.  My sister says it was the height and the beer that made me feel that way, but now I know it was much more -  I was to be a messenger for the great one! 

    The next year I was on a high school class trip and we had been on the bus for 5 hours.  When we got to the Zoo and stepped foot in the sacred city, most of my class felt his power.  Either that or it was all the Vodka and Right-Time Malt Liquor beverages that were consumed on the way there.  By this time Scott was only 18 years old and still coming into his full glory and power - I was an just an innocent young girl of 16! 

    Over the years I have been drawn back to St Louis by some mystic power (or to change planes).  Every time I step foot on the sacred soil I have the same familiar feelings (or is it the happy hour between flights?).  Because I have had these "encounters" with the "aura" of Scott Bakula, I feel that these "blessings" bestowed on me have influenced and "touched" my son, "The Prophet Chikin' Hed" (or was it all the alcohol I drank before he was born?)  

    I pray that in the near future Scott will reveal that The Prophet, Reverend Chikin' Hed, is his true heir and that we all will be "beamed-up" (Jim Beamed Up)  to join him for eternity!!!!!

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